Thursday, 3 May 2007


Current research: Command & Conquer 3. Never has an RTS game been such fun, except maybe for Dune II and Starcraft, which are both very much like C&C 3.

I am also, slowly, slowly, finishing Lolita. It is one of those books that get better towards the end, but I still maintain that I love Nabokov's style and am bored by the story. I will have to find something else he has produced.

When I was just a little bit drunk, I decided to order a Nintendo Wii. I tried it out last Friday and I was, to say the least, really damn impressed. Not so much by the technology as by the actual implementation, but it was the first time in a while that I was impressed with a game, the game being the Super Monkeyball one with lots of catching fish and fruit.

Furthermore, I have new Andrew MacKenzie shoes which are so bloody great that I intend to put them up for show here, even though I am certainly not striving towards having a fashion blog.

That is all for my consumptionism today.

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