Monday, 28 January 2008


Quick tip: Girl Genius

I have no idea how I managed to miss it. I must be retarded or something, because I have loved the art of Phil Foglio since the heydays of Magic: The Gathering and I managed to miss this comic for seven years. Anyway. Girl Genius is a fantabulous webcomic which is not only beautifully drawn, it has a great, Miyazaki-esque steampunky story as well. Check out the rad goggles in their online shop, too. They come in brass or black.

Speaking of that, reading Girl Genius reawakened my love for clothes and trinkets in the combination brass and brown leather, 1800s sci-fi style. I started looking on eBay, but somehow ended up buying these old military (or so the seller stated - but I think they might be for welding) goggles instead.

Yay! High fashion!

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