Genetic Engineering Facility
So, now I have had my vacation for this year. It consisted mostly of painting walls, buying furniture I do not like and moving things around. That is, preparing for another attempt at selling my old apartment. All in all, it has been a pretty crappy vacation with a few notable highlights.
My cat seems to really like living with me. Not only does she follow me around everywhere, she also seems to genuinely like living with me, and seems to have no interest at all in leaving. If I leave the door open, she just sits by the door looking moderately interested. She also seems to have the best night temper of all cats I have ever encountered. She curls up at the bottom of the bed when I go to sleep, and she is still there when I wake up. No running around hitting things, no waking me up by screaming or sitting on my face. Maybe she escaped from a genetic engineering facility trying to produce the perfect cat. Her only real problem is the fact that she is a bit too obsessed about her food, but given that she has been living on the rough for at least a month, that is to be expected. I think she is slowly realizing that there is an ample serving of food twice daily, and that there is no need to make a fuss about an empty bowl.
Right now, I am going through piles of old CDs and DVDs I have burned during the years, in the hope of finding something worthwhile. There were some pictures from my 2001 trip to Japan, songs I wrote back in the 90s, embarrassing party pictures and a lot of music I had forgotten I ever used to listen to. All in all some great reminiscing.
As for the last few weeks?We visited the museum of natural history or whatever they call it in English. This fish says "nom nom nom *buuurp!*" if you feed it the correct "food bricks" or "blääää!" if you feed it the wrong ones. It is important to feed your catfish properly.
I saw the first boat ever that actually made me lust for it. A 60 foot trimaran. Sadly, I think this one is not only insanely expensive, but strictly for professionals. It is also ocean-going.
I looked about as happy as usual.
I finally tried some durian together with a friend. It smelled like hot garbage and tasted like hot garbage (or rather, how I assume it would taste) mixed with fruit. I will not try durian again.
Stockholm is really beautiful during the summer. I caught the Gotheborg on a picture.
As a stark contrast, they have recently finished building this "hotel" in the middle of the picture - in central Stockholm, no less, blocking what was once a beautiful view from Norra bantorget (on the other side of the hotel, from the vantage point above), making one of the nicer bits of the city dark and dreary. It looks like a futuristic rendition of Naglfar. At least, that is what I call it. What the hell were they thinking? Progress is not making the city look like the worst of Soviet.
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