Time for Exams
The fact that I am studying for two of my remaining three exams has led to a lack of updates recently. I will, however, make up for it with a few pictures of the Stockholm School of Economics.Please note that Sweden has not been invaded, there was just a diplomatic event of some sort going on.
In other news, I just finished The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster, and while I really liked it, I was a bit miffed by the ending.This prompted me to go buy some new books. I came home with Strindberg, Leonov (Леонов), Boye and Nabokov (Набо́ков). Right now, I am reading Lolita, which I like and dislike at the same time. Like, because I really, really like the author's style and the ways in which he describes the protagonist. Dislike, because I find the story in itself rather trite. I picked up the book in Swedish (I found it used for €1) but later found that the original language is actually English, so I might as well have read it untranslated. C'est la vie.
I sat in a classroom studying yesterday, and I rather liked finding this door.
Mmm... Happy coffee!
The book of illusions is good. I liked it a lot. Was that the Chinese flag by the way?
vilken underbar dörr.
Hmmm, ser att kaffet fallit offer for en rajvattack, broder...
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