It would seem that I have, perhaps against better knowing, started a blog again. My last one was five, six years ago or so, and I recall there being angst and grinding of teeth with getting it to work properly. Now that blogging is in fashion, everything seems to be quite a lot easier, what with the standardized interface, all the "web 2.0" bits and the fancy formatting being just so much easier. Since I mainly want to spew whiny words, I guess this blog will not differ so much from the last one.
Uppland is a region in Sweden, in which the glorious capital - Stockholm - is situated. It is also pretty close to the name of a pretty bad, as I recall it, record (or maybe it was the band itself?) with a rather good-looking sleeve which I listened to a very long time ago. It is a mystery why I decided that Uppland would be a good name for a blog, but it might just have something to do with all nice blog URL:s already having been taken..
This blog, as already mentioned, will be mostly whiny. I will, however, try to serve some cheese with the whine.
For now, I implore you to go visit zombo.com, which is an old favourite of mine, as well as look at some Louis Wain paintings and drawings. I have, perhaps, a bit of a thing for insanity.
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