Monday, 5 March 2007


Since I was a little kid, I have always loved the art of Maurits Cornelis Escher, especially the repeating patterns and impossible structures. Rather, I found the impossible structures mind-boggling, and the repeating patterns beautiful. Since I have far too much work right now, I decided that it was a splendid time to start trying to make some repeating patterns of my own. The advent of programs like Illustrator has made it shamefully easy, so I am working on one containing an Illuminati pyramid, a ghost and a squatting witch. It looks pretty funny already, but I will probably have to enlist one of my more artistic friends to flesh out the details of the figures, so to speak. More details when/if it ever sees the bleak light of day.

Speaking of bleak light, I just recalled that the homepage I had a decade ago was called "An Electronic Haven in a World Bereft of Colour". Boy, was I a pretentious little turd back then... On to more pictures!

And here is the Mackintosh brooch in all its glory. I know, it is way girly, but I believe I am man enough to carry it around for a while, anyway.

Mmm, my new book about carpets - Tribal & Village Rugs. It contains a plethora of patterns and pictures showing a lot of stuff I have never known or cared for, but it sure became interesting when I started reading about it. I will hardly become a carpet collector, though. They are big, cumbersome, and need maintenance.

This is Palestine back in the day, from the book Palästina I bought today. Some time in the early twenties, I believe.

This is a nice picture from the Mackintosh book, by Margaret Macdonald. Why are there so few people today who paint nice stuff like this? It seems everybody paints nude girls on dragons or glues chairs to walls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if you like MacIntosh you should take a trip to Glasgow and visit the Willow Tea Rooms, if you haven't already done that of course...